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Women in Engineering



Pictured: Iva Ospálková - Supervisor - Laboratory | Markéta Dostálová - Custom tooling designer | Silvie Prachařová - HR recruitment specialist | Pavla Skývová - Ecologist 


Dormer Pramet is focused on diversity and inclusion and understands that having employees and managers from a rich diversity of demographics is empowering to all employees and helps bring important perspectives to the company. 

To highlight the intersection of women, art, and engineering, ​​​Jana Pekná, Marketing Manager for Dormer Pramet’s Eastern Europe region created a campaign to highlight women in engineering. She explains the campaign focus is “to connect the beauty of our products” with women that work in a variety of “roles in engineering and corporate environments.”  

Currently, women make up 22.4% of all employees in Dormer Pramet. While this is a similar figure to other engineering companies, one of Dormer Pramet's current priorities includes recruiting more women to management positions to continue to diversify our leadership and to encourage equitable hiring across all departments. 

The jewellery in these photos is made with Pramet indexable inserts by our own graphic designer, Jarmila Korčáková. Jarmila, pictured right, proves that taking a different perspective on the everyday can produce beautiful results.  
